Lige nu er Poetisk Podcasts projekter gået lidt i stå. Kenneth Krabats META er røget op i nogle meta lag. Vi kommer ikke videre med Shadis Flow…. Intet fra Lars og Goodie. De kreative kræfter er havnet i et eller andet Coronahi. Restriktionerne har gjort os slow.
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I forgårs, mens sneen hvirvlede på den anden side af vinduet i mit arbejdsværelse (“Who’d have thought that snow falls”), sendte Lene mig følgende afsnit fra et interview med Laurie Anderson:
My studio in New York was next to a river. I worked there for a long time and when I was there with Brian Eno, we would gaze out at the river while we were making music. If we were listening to something, and looking at the river – which had many, many, many different moods, choppy to placid, to swelling and moving, the way the light hit it, always so animated and beautiful – if the music and the river were experiences that seemed to enhance one another, then the music was good. If looking at the river and listening to the music made you feel agitated, we realized, “I think the music is too clever, too busy, too whatever. It doesn’t really let you go into a dream state.” That’s what I love about my favorite music. It pulls me down into a state of hypnosis.
Så fint. Indre og ydre verdener – og hvordan de spiller sammen.
Vi finder snart vejen frem igen. ‘Stay tuned.’